YEAR IN REVIEW: MAY – NICIL still retains dividends from state companies – source

…despite pre-election criticisms, forensic audit recommendations

Pre-2015, the then Opposition had been heavily critical of the powers wielded by the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL). Specifically, there had been much criticism of NICIL retaining dividends from several state-owned entities.
However, now that the A Partnership for National Unity and Alliance for Change (APNU/AFC) are in Government and with a forensic audit conducted by former Auditor General Anand Goolsarran, nothing has changed about the operation of NICIL.
According to a closely placed source, the APNU/AFC Government continues to run NICIL the very same way. According to the source, the Government has taken one od Guyana’s largest entity and placed it into the realms of NICIL. Following Government’s decision to close the Enmore and Rose Hall Sugar Estates, as well as sell the Skeldon Sugar Factory, a Special Purpose Unit (SPU) operating out of NICIL has been leading the divestment process.

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